Monday, October 8, 2007

Well Mad Dawgs and parents we lost a hard fought game this past Saturday versus West Clermont. Our boys came out and played hard as they always do, but in the end West Clermont won. This is three division games in a row now, two in overtime. What a stretch of games, these have been tough physical football games and we've been so close in every one. As coaches we are all proud of the fight in our boys and there efforts on the field. We all know we can be better, and we all know we can beat these teams. Now is the time where we work harder, prepare better, and rally around each other. These Dawgs still have fight left!

We all believe in these Mad Dawgs.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Harrison & Colerain games

Our Mad Dawgs played with pride and passion as a team these last two games. Our boys have shown that we are a team and have displayed great sportsmanship all season, especially in these last two games during some adversity. In both games we outgained our opponents and in both games we had our chances to win. Unfortunately, we came up short as both games finished in overtime.

Coaches and players will learn from these games so that we are better from these experiences. We will "play the next game, not the last game" and move on proud of what we accomplish along the way.

Our division rival West Clermont is on the horizon, so let's prepare as a team and go out and bring home our 7th victory of the Mad Dawgs 1st season.

Coach Mike