Tuesday, August 28, 2007

St. Jude Bowl

Great game on Sunday. I was proud of the way the boys battled back from a halftime deficit. We seem to be finding our identity, but we have to come ready to play from the first play to the last. We will see everyone at practice at Ayer tonight at 6 pm. Go Mad Dawgs!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Bernie Bowl

I haven't watched the film yet, but I think I speak for all of the coaches when I say that I was awfully proud of our team today. We corrected many of the issues that we had in last weeks scrimmage. Many of the boys were playing in their first game and performed very well. Lets continue to improve. We have a tough test next week against Bridgetown before getting into league play. Lets go out and get another trophy next Sunday. Like Coach Dave said, think about what you did right and wrong today and we'll help you fix what you did wrong. Be ready to practice on Tues and Thurs. Go Mad Dawgs!

Coach Nate

Friday, August 17, 2007

Throw a Dawg a bone!

The coaches have implemented a decal award program for the boys. The kids will get a bone decal for their helmet for various things such as a win, a big play or just simply by completing the preseason, making it to all the practices etc. This really seems to motivate the boys to participate and compete. Also each coach will be identifying a player each week that they feel is deserved of a bone. I hope to see all of the boys helmets covered in orange bones by the end of the year. Go Mad Dawgs!

Coach Nate

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

WK 2 practice changes

Practice tonight is changed to 6:30-8 pm. Practice tomorrow is changed to Sat 9-11. Great job last night. Go Mad Dawgs! Nate

1st week of practice

Coach Mike - I'm sure I speak for all the coaches when I say great job everyone on your first week of practice. We need to keep the same enthusiasm and hustle as we move on to week two of practice. Congratulations to all of you who received a pactice ball, that means your working hard and impressing the coaches and your team. Go Mad Dawgs!